Neighbors helping neighbors since 1962


Whether you want to ride with a crew or be part of our administration, we are always looking for volunteers. Find out how to join our team!

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Squad Volunteers Deliver Meals on Wheels

Sun, 2016-05-01 17:49 -- John Staunton

Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad President Mike D’Ecclessis and Chief Kari Phair took some time from their busy schedules to lend a hand to the SAGE Meals on Wheels program. The pair of volunteer EMTs spent the morning delivering pre-prepared meals to elderly and disabled residents throughout Summit.

SAGE Eldercare in Summit coordinates the Meals On Wheels program with volunteers, who deliver meals Monday through Friday to elderly residents in parts of Union, Essex and Morris Counties. 2016 marks the 50th anniversary of the program.  “The First Aid Squad has had a good working relationship with SAGE for many years and we were happy to help promote public awareness of this valuable program” said Mr. D'Ecclessis.

The all-volunteer First Aid Squad is always looking for new members to join its ranks. All needed training, uniforms and equipment is provided. For information, please call 908-277-9479, or Click HERE.