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Health and Safety Tips

Stay Safe!

Summer Safety Tips

For when you're having fun, In the sun, or on the run


Fact: Those most at risk for heat illness are young children and the elderly.

Safety tips:

To protect yourself from dehydra­tion, sunburn, and heatstroke:

Be alert for symptoms of heat illness—fainting, dizziness, headache, nausea, rapid pulse, flushed skin, and body tempera­ture of 104 degrees.

  • If suffering from a heat illness, rest in a cool area and sip cool, non-alcoholic drinks.
  • To avoid losing salt and water when sitting or sunbathing, replenish with fluids often and avoid beverages with alcohol or caffeine. Keep the skin moist and cool.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing, a hat, and a waterproof sunscreen.
  • If you take prescription drugs, check with your doctor before sunbathing.


Fact: Lightning strikes are fatal less than a third of time.

Safety tips:

  • Don't go near the water.
  • Don't lie down on wet ground.
  • Don't go near tall or metal objects, such as flagpoles, fences, and trees.
  • If you're inside, stay away from electrical appliances and don't use the telephone, as they are good conductors of electricity.
  • Don't watch storms from an open window or door, and avoid the fireplace as it is often a lightning target.
  • The safest place to be is in a steel-framed building or an enclosed automobile.


Fact: More than 300 children under age 5 drown in residential swim­ming pools each year in the U.S.

Safety tips:

  • Avoid swimming past your abili­ty or in rough water.
  • Never swim alone or leave young children unattended.
  • Wear life jackets during recre­ational boating or at dockside by small children.
  • Make sure the pool or lake is deep enough before diving into the water.
  • Do not consume beer, wine, or liquor when swimming or boating.
  • Be cautious of strong currents when swimming in the ocean.
  • Fence all home pools.
  • Learn CPR.


Fact: In the United States, approx­imately 10,000 people die each year from food poisoning.

Safety tips:

  • Refill any prescription medica­tions and carry them with you in the original marked container.
  • Carry important medical infor­mation with you—the names and phone numbers of your doc­tor and pharmacist, insurance cards, etc.
  • Pack a first aid kit—for minor problems like sunburn, insect bites, cuts and scrapes, etc.
  • Be cautious when exploring, chopping wood, or building fires.
  • Dress appropriately for the weather.
  • Before hiking, check for potential hazards of terrain, sanitation, climate, or infectious diseases. When traveling abroad, consult with your doctor regarding immunization requirements and ask about the safety of the water supply.
  • Avoid fresh fruits and vegetables except those with a peel that can be removed.


Fact: Over half of fireworks injuries occur during the 4th of July week.

Safety tips:

  • Never light an explosive indoors or near any objects.
  • Never place an explosive in a container, as it could explode and spray harmful fragments into the eyes and face.
  • Never use fireworks near dry grass or leaves.
  • Always check for spilled gasoline before lighting a match.
  • Do not wear loose clothing while using fireworks.
  • Always wear safety goggles while shooting fireworks and stand in a safe place.
  • Make sure nothing is left burning before leaving the scene.


Fact: In more than 50% of collisions with cars, the car driver claimed that he/she could not see the cyclist.

Safety tips:

  • Make sure your child's bike is the right size.
  • Young children should use bikes with coaster brakes.
  • A properly fitted bike helmet is essential equipment.
  • If the bike must be used at night, install lights, reflectors, day-glo safety flags, and warning bells.
  • Drive on the right with traffic and stop at intersections.
  • Use proper hand signals for turning or stopping.
  • Watch out for opening car doors.
  • If you are skating, always skate with a friend.
  • Don't skate down steep hills or in drainage ditches.
  • When rollerblading, wear safety equipment at all times, especially a helmet and pads.
  • Don't try tricks beyond your ability.


  • Human or animal bites often become infected or transmit illnesses such as rabies. Medical evaluation is necessary for thorough cleansing and treatment, and a tetanus shot may be required if you have not had one within five years.
  • Insect bites or stings that cause severe swelling at the site of the bite, a generalized rash or any swelling of the face or difficulty breathing, require immediate medical evaluation. Remove stingers from bee or wasp stings by scraping (the edge of a credit card works well). Don't use tweezers or fingernails.
  • Minor swelling and itching can be treated with cool compresses, over the counter oral antihistamines or hydrocortisone creams. (Use only as directed.)
  • If there is significant blistering or charring or if the burn involves the palms, soles, face or groin area or a large area of skin, seek immediate physician evaluation.
  • Minor burns are treated with cool (not cold or ice) compresses. After cleansing, a mild antibiotic oint­ment and bandage may be applied. Take care not to break any blisters.
  • Sunburns with extensive blistering or general symp­toms of nausea, vomiting, weakness or chills, are more serious and need physician evaluation.
  • Try to avoid the outdoors on windy days or when you begin to notice allergy symptoms, as the wind stirs up pollen and carries it through the air.
  • Do not cut grass or be near someone mowing his or her lawn, and avoid high pollen exposure times at dawn and dusk.
  • Use air conditioners at home; close windows when you drive; and don't hang laundry out to dry as pollen and molds collect on sheets and clothes.

Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can be caused by tick bites, and must be treated by a physician. To prevent tick­-related diseases, wear long-sleeved shirts, pants, and shoes; use insect repel­lent; check for ticks and chiggers every day; and if you spot an insect, gently remove with tweezers and swab the bite with alcohol.