Members of the Summit PAL visited the Summit First Aid Squad headquarters to see the fruits of their recent donation.
After the Summit Police migrated to a new digital radio system, the Summit First Aid Squad quickly discovered their older radio scanning system was not compatible. The resulting distortion began to interfere with the building intercom that carries EMS as well as Police and Fire communications, so the scanner had to be turned off, eliminating the ability of on duty crews to hear radio communications from the Police and Fire departments The solution was a new digital radio scanner. Nick Curiale, a former First Aid Squad volunteer and current member of the PAL Advisory Board learned of the dilemma and offered to help. The PAL agreed to donate the new equipment which squad members were able to install.
Pictured above in the Squad’s dispatch room are Summit EMS Equipment Lieutenant Anthony Campanelli, PAL President Charlie Robertson, Nick Curiale, and Summit EMS Deputy Chief Matt Raymond. (Photo by John Staunton)
The all-volunteer First Aid Squad has 62 adult members, 20 junior members and is always looking for new members to join its ranks. All needed training, uniforms and equipment is provided. For information on becoming a volunteer, please call 908-277-9479, or click HERE..
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