Neighbors helping neighbors since 1962


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New Officers Take Helm of Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad

Thu, 2013-01-17 16:51 -- John Christmann

The following Squad members will serve as officers for 2013: John Christmann, President; Ken Herr, Treasurer; Mark Koernig, Recording Secretary; and Jane James, Corresponding Secretary.

Squad line officers were also sworn in including John Staunton, Captain; Marco Dimayorca, First Lieutenant; Chris Raymond, Personnel Lieutenant; Mel Harari, Records Lieutenant; Beverly Brown, Training Lieutenant; Richard Raymond, Maintenance Lieutenant; and Jane Mahoney, Equipment Lieutenant. 

The thirteen-member Board of Trustees will also include: Patty Herzog, Dennis Burd, Doug Stevens, Kari Phair, and Henrietta Mahon.

The Squad's Presidential Award, presented annually to the member that most exemplifies dedication to the Squad and the community, was awarded to Mel Harari, a four-year veteran of the Squad.  Ms. Harari was selected for her numerous contributions to the squad as both a member and officer in 2012.