Mayor Nora Radest accepted an invitation to the First Aid Squad’s annual reorganization meeting to administer the oath of office to the officers and trustees for 2019, a task she was happy to perform for the 3rd consecutive year.
Bob Flanagan, who previously served as Vice President is the Squad’s new president. John Christmann is the new Vice President. Dave Bernstein and Katherine Ganger will continue to serve as Treasurer and Recording Secretary respectively, while Fred Schwarzmann will serve as the new Corresponding Secretary.
Outgoing president John Buscaino will continue to serve as a Trustee. Other Trustees include Beverly Brown, Marco diMayorca, Carl Ganger, Matt Raymond, Nancy Weeks, and Kerry Whitcher.
Kari Phair will remain as the Squad’s Chief and be assisted by Deputy Chief Matt Raymond, Records Lieutenant Mel Harari, Personnel Lieutenant John Christmann, Training Lieutenant Jane Mahoney, Equipment Lieutenant Robert Endress, and Maintenance Lieutenant Richard Raymond.
The all-volunteer First Aid Squad is entirely funded through private donations and does not bill for service. The Squad has 90 members, including 20 junior members and is always looking for new volunteers to join its ranks. All needed training, uniforms and equipment is provided. Follow these links for information on becoming a volunteer, or donating to the squad or call us at 908-277-9479.
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