Neighbors helping neighbors since 1962


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Seat Belts Save Lives!

Wed, 2018-02-28 16:03 -- Anonymous (not verified)
The seat belted driver of this car lived to tell his strory.

When Summit EMS Volunteers are dispatched to respond to a motor vehicle accident with rollover, they always hope for the best and prepare for the worst.  That was the case when Summit EMTs  Fred Schwarzmann and John Staunton arrived at this accident scene on Route 78.  Fortunately, the driver of this vehicle had been wearing a seatbelt, was able to exit the car on his own and was found standing on the side of the road when emergency responders arrived.  The story would have been much different had he not used seatbelts.  The Summit First Aid Squad advises all drivers and passengers to always use seatbelts, even when driving on local roads or for a short distance.  “We’ve seen some serious accidents occur just a few feet from someone’s own home and those who wear seatbelts always fare better than those who do not,” said Staunton, a 34-year member of the Squad.

Trauma surgeons ask EMS to take a photo of the scene whenever possible to help understand the mechanism of injuries. In this case the crew took photos, but fortunately no trauma surgeon was needed.  We instead hope this serves a teachable moment.

The all-volunteer First Aid Squad has 62 adult members, 20 junior members and is always looking for new members to join its ranks. All needed training, uniforms and equipment is provided. For information on becoming a volunteer, please call 908-277-9479, or click HERE..


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