In early October, the Squad launched its annual fundraising appeal Neighbors Helping Neighbors. The goal of the campaign is to raise $300,000 to fund squad operations and help offset costs associated with an impending upgrade to a digital radio network for use with Summit police and fire departments in emergency response actions.
An initial outpouring of support from local residents and the business community has raised more than $70,000 toward the $300K goal in the first few weeks. For the next 3 months, the squad will continue outreach to its neighbors; an appeal letter that highlights reasons to donate and how to make a donation has been sent to each household in Summit.
Ask 81-year-old Summit neighbor Seth Bodner who was hit by a car on the corner of Morris Avenue and Maple Street. He remembers walking into town on a sunny autumn day and starting to cross the street. Seth woke up at Morristown Medical Center unable to move. He attributes the professional skill and care used by the First Aid Squad as the only reason he is able to walk today. Squad EMTs used equipment purchased with donated funds to stabilize and transport Seth to the hospital. For more on Seth’s story, visit our YouTube channel.
Since 1962 and with 65 active members, the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad answers more than 2,100 calls a year, saving Summit taxpayers over one million dollars annually. This year, tax-deductible donations will directly fund the purchase of communication services, as well as medical supplies and other equipment that (above) The entire staff of the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad Emergency Medical Technicians use when responding to 9-1-1 calls. It will also cover the expense of ongoing professional training for First Aid Squad members.
The Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad, Inc. is an independent non-profit corporation dedicated to providing emergency medical services (EMS), non-emergency ambulance transportation, and safety training to the Summit community. All of its services are provided free of charge and funded entirely through private donations. For information on membership click HERE. Donations by check may be mailed to: Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad, PO Box 234., Summit, NJ 07902. You can also Donate Online
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